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Melt Values

October 25th, 2019


Melt’s vegan chocolates taste “unbelievable”. Our aim is to make them both good for you and the planet. Your luxury chocolate comes in a beautiful designer box. Chocolate is naturally vegan, as it’s the fruit of the evergreen cocoa tree. Small orchid-like flowers grow on its trunk, which is then pollinated by tiny midges. The resultant fruit contains seeds, misleadingly referred to as beans, called cacao.

We are dedicated to gifting a pristine planet to our children. Melt is fanatically plastic-free and also minimizes food miles by co-locating our kitchens in our shops.   Saving the planet one plant at a time.  To decarbonize the world and halt climate change – veganism will have an important part to play.

Chocolate is a fermented food and is beneficial for gut bacteria. Chocolate naturally sits alongside kefir, yogurt, cheese, wine and beer as being healthy for the gut.  Researchers from the University of Reading measured higher levels of the good bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species after consuming cocoa.  Our Chocolate and our fresh bonbons are entirely natural products without additives and highly processed products.



Melt’s beautiful designer packaging is plastic-free and has been since our foundation over 10 years ago. All our fresh boxes, chocolate bars and caramels are entirely plastic-free. So approximately 90% percent of our packaging is plastic-free.  However, the journey to being completely plastic free is not an easy one. Customers still like to see the food products they are buying – so we are finding it difficult to eliminate plastic completely. Join us on our journey as we explore ways to eliminate plastic completely from our entire range. Our customers thoughts and advice are welcome on how to eliminate all plastic from our packaging.

Melt has always allowed the chocolate to do the talking – reducing excessive packaging and designing our products to be plastic-free.  But two areas that we have not eliminated plastic entirely is for small products that customers still like to see before they buy and some packaging for internet orders on fragile items. Courier companies handling of our handcrafted chocolates often means that we are still sadly reliant on bubble wrap to reduce the risk of damage. We have used straw and paper periodically – but the internet delivery mechanism and our handcrafted products don’t seem to be completely compatible – if we want to reach 100% plastic free and not have our goods damaged in transit. Click and collect is one alternative option.



The higher the chocolate content the lower the sugar content. Hence our 100% is entirely sugar free and our Superfood bar uses 72% cocoa. We are exploring ways of creating sugar-free chocolate or sweetness with low GI alternatives. Help us on our journey to Sugar-Free Chocolate or select our high cocoa content chocolate.
Melt’s chocolates are freshly made in our Notting Hill and Holland Park kitchens by our world class chocolatiers. Because our chocolates are fresh, handcrafted and we use the best natural ingredients we can reduce the sugar content, artificial flavours, stabilisers and other chemical preservatives. This means our chocolates taste sensational-unlike chocolates you have tasted before. Fresh natural ingredients are best for taste and for your health. Freshly made, natural ingredients from London’s Most Luxurious Chocolate Company.
We minimise food miles by locating our kitchens in our shops – so from kitchen to plate, Melt can be entirely carbon-free with no carbon footprint at all. (Of course we can’t grow cocoa in London and it would not be environmentally responsible to do so – the Amazon is just great for that). Our shops are located in the heart of the high street of Notting Hill and Holland Park.  As high street shops, (we do not sell in out-of-town malls), our customers have easy access on foot to the beautiful environment of Notting Hill, London.  Melt is unique in having our kitchens actually in our shops, allowing customers to see the chocolates being made and able to eat them directly from the kitchen – as fresh as if they were made at home. 
Low Carbon Footprint: one example is our rare wild cacao used in our wild bar. The Chimane Indians in the Amazon, collect the wild cocoa by horses or dugout canoes from scattered islands, in the Amazon, picking the ripened fruit directly from the trees.  The beans are then fermented and dried in the sun. These wild trees are not cultivated, they are left to nature and are not cut or fertilised. 
At London’s Most Luxurious Chocolate Company, we think the taste of fresh chocolate bonbons are sublime – unlike any chocolate you have ever tasted before. When the bonbons are fresh all the natural qualities of cream, butter and chocolate are at their best.
The best single origin chocolate is like the “elixir of life”. Named after the “food of the gods” – good chocolate has a real spiritual dimension.  The Aztecs believed that chocolate and bones were mixed to create humankind – their Adam & Eve creation story.  This is understandable as the best chocolate hits all the six senses: sight, touch, smell, sound and of course taste.  Chocolate is the only food that melts at body temperature, hence our name.  Melt creates truly sublime chocolates using the best ingredients in the world. 
Our best single origin cocoa is sourced directly from the cacao farmer, eliminating the middle man and allowing the cacao farmer to receive higher revenues.  Melt is a niche producer and can buy the highest quality chocolate from sustainable sources. Melt is an independent family-owned high street business: headquartered, handcrafting and selling all in Notting Hill.