March 19th, 2019
NEW for 2019: Melt is launching its new Mini-Bar Collection. These bite-sized chocolate bars are selected from our most popular bars, with beautiful designer packaging, from London’s Most Luxurious Chocolate Company. The packaging is minimalist and plastic-free as we care about the environment and the world’s oceans.
Curated from Melt’s favourite chocolates – these cute little mini-bars are ideal as a daily pick me up. Mini-Bars are now available in Melt’s Vegan Library: Wild, Superfood, Sea Salt Dark and 100% and our Health Bar Collection: 100%, Wild, and Superfood. Create a chocolate library with our other mini-bars: Love, Sugar-Free and Almond. Are these the cutest chocolate bars ever? Exclusively from Melt, Notting Hill.
Superfood Mini-Bar: this ultimate Superfood bar is the culmination of Melt’s quest for the “Elixir of Life”. Dark purple fruits of the forest are mixed with bittersweet chocolate. Packed with anti-oxidants from blackcurrants, popped quinoa and high cocoa dark chocolate, this bar seeks to protect the mind, the heart and to fight ageing. Quinoa is considered a “brain food”, dark chocolate is a powerful anti-oxidant containing the same number of anti-oxidants as six apples. Blackcurrants promote healthy bacteria in the gut. Anthocyanins are the natural compounds which give blackcurrants their characteristic colour. Research indicates that purple anthocyanins found in blackcurrants are effective and potent at inhibiting tumour cell numbers and increasing cancer cell death. The same purple chemicals found in the Okinawa diet. Purple food is a good guide for a healthy diet.
This exotic and wild cocoa bean comes from deep in the Amazon is a unique and rare wild cacao, Criollo Amazonico. The gatherers, mostly Chimane Indians, seek out the widely scattered cacao islands, where they collect the ripened fruit from the trees. They travel through the Amazon on horses or dugout canoes. The beans are then fermented and dried in the sun. The trees are not cultivated, they are left to nature, totally wild and exquisite in the Amazon. Melt then handcrafts them in its kitchen in the heart of Notting Hill – keeping food miles to a minimum. Beautiful plastic free packaging – because we wish to keep the Amazon pristine.
What could be better than a delivery of handmade chocolate to your door every month. Melt’s mini club subscription – via letterbox chocolate delivery. This takes the hassle out of getting your favourite chocolate each month. A monthly supply of our handmade chocolates prepared from the heart of Notting Hill and grown in the depths of the Amazon. Each delicious package is designed to fit through your letterbox. London’s Most Luxurious Chocolate company delivers the world’s best chocolate to your door. Three Designer mini-chocolate bars each month for only £9.99 per month at 30% discount.